Hospitality, You can’t Spell it with Out:

A Few words, that only people in the industry know, Spit, Al, hos and hospital are all I get. We use all these words

We use a lot spit in “polishing up a turd” especially talking to customers. Best is to keep them in a happy mood. Express your deep regret for the service quality they are about to get. Set forth the lines they can’t cross. And hope to god They don’t ask for an opinion.

Al’s always be present in the moment, but not at the job. Work is work, but I am not my work. I enjoy my work to provide me an income to pay my bills. What I do and who I want to work with is my choice. As I choose to support my friends and customers

Because we are all HOs, and I try to be the best HO I can be. It’s always good to see a customer satisfied with your service and demeanor. It’s usually a good icebreaker joke for customers and can find a tone for dealing with them. Knowing the customers preferences for their services to be rendered. At no time go past limits set by all parties and walk out from bad ones.

Hospital, unfortunately we see too many times what physical and mental tolls people go through. The inherent dangers of the industry is always apparent. Abuse is rampant working in the industry. It’s best not to except any of it.